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Research articles


Costa G, Bradbury JJ, Tarannum N, Herbert SP. RAB13 mRNA compartmentalisation spatially orients tissue morphogenesis. EMBO J. 2020;39(21):e106003.


Costa G, Harrington KI, Lovegrove HE, Page DJ, Chakravartula S, Bentley K, et al. Asymmetric division coordinates collective cell migration in angiogenesis. Nat Cell Biol. 2016;18(12):1292-301.


Lilly AJ, Costa G, Largeot A, Fadlullah MZ, Lie ALM, Lacaud G, et al. Interplay between SOX7 and RUNX1 regulates hemogenic endothelial fate in the yolk sac. Development. 2016;143(23):4341-51.


Stefanska M, Costa G, Lie ALM, Kouskoff V, Lacaud G. Smooth muscle cells largely develop independently of functional hemogenic endothelium. Stem Cell Res. 2014;12(1):222-32.


Perez-Campo FM, Costa G, Lie ALM, Stifani S, Kouskoff V, Lacaud G. MOZ-mediated repression of p16(INK) (4) (a) is critical for the self-renewal of neural and hematopoietic stem cells. Stem Cells. 2014;32(6):1591-601.


Lancrin C, Mazan M, Stefanska M, Patel R, Lichtinger M, Costa G, et al. GFI1 and GFI1B control the loss of endothelial identity of hemogenic endothelium during hematopoietic commitment. Blood. 2012;120(2):314-22.


Costa G, Mazan A, Gandillet A, Pearson S, Lacaud G, Kouskoff V. SOX7 regulates the expression of VE-cadherin in the haemogenic endothelium at the onset of haematopoietic development. Development. 2012;139(9):1587-98.



Review articles


Smith MR, Costa G. RNA-binding proteins and translation control in angiogenesis. FEBS J. 2021.


Herbert SP, Costa G. Sending messages in moving cells: mRNA localization and the regulation of cell migration. Essays Biochem. 2019;63(5):595-606.


Costa G, Lovegrove HE, Herbert SP. Endothelial cells divide unequally to sprout fairly. Cell Cycle. 2017;16(7):595-6.


Perez-Campo FM, Costa G, Lie-a-Ling M, Kouskoff V, Lacaud G. The MYSTerious MOZ, a histone acetyltransferase with a key role in haematopoiesis. Immunology. 2013;139(2):161-


Costa G, Kouskoff V, Lacaud G. Origin of blood cells and HSC production in the embryo. Trends Immunol. 2012;33(5):215-23.



Book chapters


Fleury M, Perez-Campo FM, Costa G, Lacaud G, Kouskoff V. Epigenetic and Transcriptional Mechanisms Regulating the Development of the Haematopoietic System in Mammals. In: Bonifer C, Cockerill PN, editors. Transcriptional and Epigenetic Mechanisms Regulating Normal and Aberrant Blood Cell Development. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg; 2014. p. 67-93.


G.Costa Lab

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