G.COSTA LAB. g.costa@qub.ac.uk
Guilherme Costa
I am interested in the fascinating world of spatial regulation of gene expression. I lead a team of researchers who investigate how RNAs are transported within endothelial cells, how protein synthesis is regulated within subcellular domains and how these mechanisms regulate blood vessel development and function.
Josy Augustine
My research focuses on exploring the role of mRNA localisation in human retinal endothelial cells and investigating the potential of mRNA mislocalisation Antisense Oligonucleotides (ASOs) as a therapeutic target to control undesired blood vessel formation in retinal neovascularisation. Before joining the lab, I worked as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow and gained my
PhD (Medicine) at Queen’s University working retinal vascular biology, neurodegeneration and glial activation.
Precious Owuamalam
My project focuses on understanding how cytoskeletal remodeling proteins modulate RNA localisation and local translation within endothelial cells during angiogenesis. Before joining the Costa lab, I studied for a BSc (Hons.) degree in Microbiology at MOUAU, Nigeria, and a Ph.D. in RNA biology at the University of Birmingham, UK, where I investigated the link between mRNA splicing and nonsense-mediated mRNA decay (NMD) in fission yeast, S. pombe.
Maddie Smith
The focus of my research has been investigating how RNA binding proteins regulate mRNA distribution during endothelial cell migration, in the context of angiogenesis. During my time in Guilherme’s lab, I have had the opportunity to learn and apply exciting techniques, coupled with advanced imaging, to study blood vessel development.
Daragh Morgan
My research focuses on how mRNA translation is locally regulated within endothelial cells during blood vessel formation and barrier disruption, with particular focus on localised mTOR signalling at focal adhesions. Prior to joining the Costa lab, I completed a BSc in Biochemistry, where I completed a project involving computational protein modelling and an MSc in Experimental Medicine, where I examined the effects of histamine on neutrophils activation and antimicrobial functionality.
MSc Students
Pippa Blevings (2022/2023)
Brian McSorley (2021/2022)
BSc Students
Anna Moreno (2023)
Ellamay Mc Ilhatton (2022/2023)
Lily Buterchi (2021/2022)
Lorna McMullan (2020/2021)